popular pages today widget by feedjit
Posted On Dec 3, 2009 at at 6:43 AM by Subtitles For All Your Movie Needs
popular pages today feedjit widget
popular page feedjit widget is widget to see the popular page today, the high recent viewer by visitor.
this widget also give the link follow to blog, so this widget good for optimalization of search engine (SEO)
how to add this widget to your blog??
hm,. just Customize to suitable with your blog then copy or cut the script and then paste into your blog.
i think this is so easy,..
or if your a blogger just "Click to Add to Blogger" and view the changes
popular page feedjit widget is widget to see the popular page today, the high recent viewer by visitor.
this widget also give the link follow to blog, so this widget good for optimalization of search engine (SEO)
how to add this widget to your blog??
hm,. just Customize to suitable with your blog then copy or cut the script and then paste into your blog.
i think this is so easy,..
or if your a blogger just "Click to Add to Blogger" and view the changes
mantap brow... thankx T_T